What Is the Best Way to Move My House Furniture to Europe

What Is the Best Way to Move My House Furniture to Europe

Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 11 класс>> Module 5 Who are yous

Who are you

Who are you?

Before you start...

•    When was the concluding time you got ill?
•    Accept you e'er had an accident? What happened?

Wait at Module 5

Find the folio numbers for pictures ane -4.

Find the page numbers for

•    a written report
•    a quotation
•    a cartoon

Heed, read and talk near ........

•    homelessness
•    types of houses
•    problems in a neighbourhood
•    Feng Shui
•    Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
•    houses in Britain
•    shanty towns
•    green belts
•    a neighbour's complaint

Learn how to ...

•    limited annoyance
•    agree/disagree
•    make exclamations
•    make assumptions

Do ...

•    modals (probability, possibility, power, necessity/obligation, lack of necessity, advice)
•    phrasal verbs: do
•    prepositional phrases related to dwelling house repairs
•    idioms related to parts of houses
•    formal style
•    linking words and phrases

Write / Make / Have ...

•    a report making suggestions/ recommendations
•    a curt article about homes in your land
•    a proposal for the city council
•    a course argue nigh Green Belts



Imagine living in a sweet trivial country house called 'Rose Cottage' or a huge Tudorone-style firm called 'Woodlands'. Sounds prissy, doesn't information technology? Not all British
people are 1)......(luck) plenty to alive in houses as dainty every bit these, simply they do live in a wide range of houses that can exist newly-congenital or up to 500 years old.

Discrete & Semi-detached Houses

A lot of British people alive in discrete or semidetached backdrop. A detached house is non joined to some other. A semi-discrete is joined on one side to another house. They are brick houses congenital in 2).......    (vary) styles. They are fabricated of either red or brown brick. Some of the houses 3).......    (build) in Victorian times between 1837 and 1901 were large villas. The exteriors are similar works of art with steep slate roofs, stained glass panels in doors and windows, iron railings, alpine chimney pots and large bay windows2. They also had basements and attics. This type of house is oft establish in the suburbs, on the outskirts of a boondocks or city or in villages.

Terraced Houses

Most people who live in or near town centres live in terraced houses. Well-nigh terraced houses were congenital to house people who came to towns and cities to work in the factories and mills during the 4)........(Manufacture) Revolutionthree. Rows of houses were congenital back-to-back and they were joined together to save space. Each row of houses is a terrace and they only have two rooms downstairs and ii rooms upstairs.

Flats & Council Houses

In inner-city areas, you can oft notice huge tower blocks of flats near of which were built during the 1950s and 60s. Some of these accept been renovated and take 5)........(recent) become popular with wealthy young six).........(profession). Others are council-endemic or cheap-to-rent flats that were built after the 2nd World War to supersede houses that had been destroyed or to articulate urban slums4. As well, in many cities and towns there are big council house estates.


A bungalow is a house which is only on i floor with no stairs. Information technology may be joined to another bungalow or it might stand alone. Some of them have an extra room in the loft5. These are called dormer bungalows. They are 7)    ............(usual) plant in the suburbs or in villages. viii).........(retire) or elderly people oftentimes live in these houses.

1 15th century,2 window that sticks out from the outside wall, 3 fourth dimension of rapid manufacturing growth in the mid 18th century, four areas where living conditions are very bad, five the infinite betwixt the ceiling and the roof


1  What do you know virtually British houses? What else would yous like to know? Write three questions. Read the texts and see if yous can answer your questions.

two a RNE   Read once more and fill in the gaps (1-8) with the right words derived from the words in brackets.

b K Listen and read the text again. Explain the words in bold.

iii  Imagine yous take just returned from a trip to Uk. Use the information in the text to give a two-minute talk most British houses. Talk about


types                      location                          characteristics                     cost

4  Portfolio: A British school mag has asked for some information nigh homes in your country. Write a short article. Include: types, sizes, where they are (east.grand. in the suburbs), who lives in them and what features they have.


What exactly is a shanty town?

A shanty town (or slum) is an overcrowded customs of rough huts or poor quality houses which have 1)........ or no access to basic services like clean water and electricity. Shanty towns are commonly located on the outskirts of pities,- or on unsafe or worthless land that no i else wants. Since shanty towns are illegal, governments don't have to provide the people who alive in them with medical care, education, or other bones services and rights.

Why do they develop?

Every day, approximately 180,000 people around the world motion from the countryside into cities. Some move to escape poverty or conflict, others are simply attracted by the prospect of a better life. Unfortunately, in many parts of the developing world, governments have not 2)......plans GeoFactfiie: Urbanisation in the Developing World to cope with the vast numbers of people arriving in their cities each year. In item, they have failed to provide decent and affordable housing. As a result, many end 3).........living in terrible conditions: shanty towns.

What is life like in a shanty town?

Unemployment and poverty levels are high in shanty towns. Malnutrition and child labour are common. Since shanty towns are overcrowded and usually without rubbish collections, clean water or sanitation facilities (in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, for example, 40,000 people share just 10 toilets), they are polluted, filthy environments where disease four)........chop-chop. Also, the high level of poverty oftentimes leads to organised crime and violence. However, these communities are full of life and residents have a five)......customs spirit.

Is annihilation being washed?

International agencies are working with governments of developing countries, and also residents themselves, to improve the state of affairs. For example, charities sometimes offer residents loans and then that they tin can ready businesses and 6).........a decent living. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the authorities accept now officially accepted their state'due south shanty towns equally permanent and are providing them with electricity, water and other civilities. But slum dwellers aren't just waiting for others to solve their problems! In Thailand, slum communities have worked together to resolve arguments over country and in some 7)...... have gained legal buying.

1  Look at the picture show. What is a shanty town? How tin these words be related to it?

•    overcrowded community • bones services
•    illegal • medical care • unemployment
•    poverty • malnutrition • child labour
•    clean h2o • disease • crime
•    legal ownership

Read and cheque.

two  a RNE  Read again and choose the correct give-and-take (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1-7).

1      A  few                B    little                  C   small                      D   less
2      A  done              B   put                    C   fabricated                      D  had
3      A   upward                 B   past                     C   with                        D  away
4      A   flows             B   covers                C  spreads                   D  catches
5      A   high              B   deep                  C  heavy                       D  strong
half dozen      A   win               B   gain                   C  earn                         D  accept
7      A   cases           B   matters              C  incidents                  D  examples

b  Explicate the words/phrases in bold.

  3  Listen and read the text again. Reply the questions.

•    How were shanty towns started?
•    What main problems do people living in shanty towns face?
•    What can be done to amend the situation?

4  Call back!  Piece of work in groups. Imagine you alive in a shanty town. Fix a proposal for the city council to improve conditions in the shanty town. Retrieve nearly:

•    housing • sanitation • services

i  Look at the picture on the web page. What could a Dark-green Belt be?
    Listen to and read the web page to check.


two  Who (Suzy, Tim or both) mention(due south): that the country needs more of something? the human relationship between Green Belts and conservation? that some areas of Green Belts are ugly? the result that Dark-green Belts take on pollution levels? Who practise you hold with the most? Why?

3  Match the highlighted words with their meanings: on the other side of, disagree with/fight against, unused & in a bad state, limited, to create infinite, inadequate amount, afraid/anxious. So explain the words/phrases in bold.

four THINK!  Work in two groups: those for Green Belts and those against. Use the text to help you lot prepare a class debate.


Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-vii). There is i heading that you exercise not need to employ.


 1  Smoke detectors in homes have saved endless lives. They sense the presence of smoke in the house and alarm the occupants by making a loud beeping noise, giving them time to escape. In order to be kept in adept working status, they should be tested at least in one case a calendar month and cleaned one time a twelvemonth.

ii  One of the attractions of living in the country is a blazing log fire. Withal, open up fires are 1 of the nearly inefficient forms of heating, since most of the estrus disappears up the chimney. They besides produce lots of fume which, of course, pollutes the surroundings. From both a financial and environmental indicate of view, information technology is better to employ other methods of heating.

3  Most people strive to buy a house with a garden but what happens if the budget just doesn't allow information technology? Well, those of you lot who live in an apartment can bring a fleck of nature inside by placing some houseplants around your living space. All they need is a footling intendance and attention! Exist sure to check, for example, how often they need watering and what kind of conditions they prefer, such as bright or shady, warm or cool.

iv  Plans were announced today to build xvi new homes in Brighton using fifteen thousand one-time motorcar tyres. The developers claim that they will be then energy efficient that residents will have no utility bills at all! They will collect their own water and be powered past solar panels and current of air turbines. The homes offer a way of tackling two of Great britain's biggest environmental concerns - the growing mountain of discarded tyres and the high levels of carbon emissions from housing.

v  ln a few years we might exist living in 'smart' houses. A smart house is a business firm where the appliances take a calculator fitted inside them, then that they can 'communicate' with each other. For example, groceries are ordered when your fridge sees that yous are running low on essentials and when you enter your home, temperature, lighting and music are activated according to your personal preferences.

half dozen  Accidents in the dwelling business relationship for almost forty per cent of all accidents and a third of all accidents treated at hospital. The most dangerous area of the dwelling house is the living room, followed past the garden, kitchen, stairs, bedroom and bathroom. The main cistron is historic period, with young children having the greatest number of accidents. Falls are by far the greatest cause of fatal abode accidents, causing more than two thousand deaths in Britain each year.

7  At that place'south nothing more discouraging than spending hours at the weekend cleaning and organising your dwelling, only to find it in a total mess again by Midweek! Then, why not gear up aside xv minutes per twenty-four hour period for maintaining your living space in order to minimise clutter every bit the week goes on? Good ideas include assigning one small-scale, quick job to each member of the household each day, and putting something back where it belongs every time you leave a room.

 Listen to the radio programme. For each question (ane-7), choose A, B or C.

1    The human says he decided to go to Africa considering

A he wanted to do something different with his life.
B his girl persuaded him to exercise it.
C it was something he had always wanted to do.

ii    The man says that his boss

A offered him more money to stay.
B understood his reasons for going.
C was concerned well-nigh filling his position.

3    The outcome that stands out in the man's memory is

A seeing the house he was to stay in.
B meeting the villagers for the get-go time.
C the view as he entered the village.

iv    The thing that about surprised the man about his new dwelling was that

A it was so bones.
B it was nicer than he had expected.
C it was considered to be nicer than the other houses in the village.

5    They had to cook before the sunday set up because

A they could only get cooking h2o during the 24-hour interval.
B they had no electrical lights.
C the fire had to be put out later on nighttime.

six    The man slept and then well in Uganda because

A information technology was so quiet there.
B his bed was comfy.
C he felt so safety and secure.

vii    In the time to come, the human being plans to

A go along living in England.
B become back to Africa.
C endeavor living somewhere else.

Complete the gaps (1-six) with the correct derivatives of the words in assuming.


A yurt is the 1)...........home of nomadic people from Mongolia, Siberia, Prc and Cardinal Asia. The word 'yurt' or 'yurta' 2)............. comes from the Turkish give-and-take meaning 'dwelling identify.' It is 3)    ......... in shape and is easy to get together, have downwardly and transport. Fabricated of a 4)...........frame and covered with felt, it is a pop place to live in the summer months. You will sometimes notice it used in other countries too, every bit information technology is an 5)............form of temporary housing. In Europe, 6)..............on Mongolian and Cardinal Asian-styled yurts are made using other materials, such as local hardwoods. Yurts are used for all sorts of unlike purposes, from permanent housing to schoolhouse rooms.

TRADITION               ORIGIN            CIRCLE        Woods         EXPENSIVE           VARY

Read the excerpt from your friend Amy's email. Write an electronic mail to Amy. In your e-mail:

•    tell her virtually your new home
•    ask three questions about gardening

Write 100-140 words.

I tin't believe you've moved away! What's your new home like? Exercise yous like it amend than your one-time i? I'k so happy summer's here at final. I've been helping my dad out in the garden lately!

Give a ii-minute talk almost your expanse. Recollect to:

•    say what your area is called & where information technology is
•    say how long you have lived there
•    describe your expanse
•    say which things y'all similar/don't similar nigh your area and why

Progress Check

one  Fill up in: rough, run-downwards, warehouses, market, I uppercase, roof, drain, total, stained, slate.

ane    The door had a beautiful............glass panel in it.
2    Many people would be happy merely to take a...........over their heads.
3    An urban redevelopment scheme tin can turn disused ...........    into luxury flats.
4    We turned the corner and the business firm came into ..............view.
5    The council take fixed upwards a lot of..............buildings in my town lately.
half-dozen    The house had a steep ............    roof.
7    I come from a pocket-sized ................ boondocks in the north of England.
8    Don't merely throw your money down the    ..........
9    Unfortunately, lots of people sleep...............in many cities.
ten Practise you know what the..............city of Croatia is?


2  Fill in: must, mustn't, can't, don't have to, should, might, would, shall, volition, can. In some case more than one reply is correct.

1    ........... you hold the door open for me, please?
ii    You............use public transport when you have a car.
3    Yous........drive through a red traffic light.
four    Tom...........move to the country soon considering he hates living in the metropolis.
5    The new bypass ........... reduce traffic congestion in the town centre.
half dozen    Drivers    ............ finish at a 'end' sign.
7    Cyclists    ............. clothing reflective vesture at nighttime.
8    Most people .................. beget a business firm without a mortgage in the UK.
9    ..............we visit Jane in her new flat tonight?
10    You ............. park on a single yellow line for one hr onty in the U.k..


three Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Utilise two to five words.

ane She has probably settled into her new domicile by now.
    should    She ......... new dwelling house by now.

ii  There was no reason to worry about finding a parking infinite; it was like shooting fish in a barrel.
     demand   I........ finding a parking space; it was easy.

3  It's not a adept idea to get out alone at nighttime.
     go          You..............alone at nighttime.

4  It's against the police force for drivers to park on double yellow lines in Uk.
    not     You lot............double xanthous lines in Great britain.

5   It'southward possible that Pam will come up to the party,
     come                   Pam...............the political party.


4  Consummate the phrasal verbs with the correct particle.

1  I could practice...........taking the bus to work every day; it's a nuisance.
two   Do..............your laces or you'll trip over them.
3   Moving business firm completely did me..............
iv   We don't have much coin, and then we take to exercise...............a lot of things.
5  My dad buys houses, does them ............... and sells them for a profit.


five   Fill in the gaps with the right preposition.

1   I am really...........need of a new car.
2   I'thousand agape this one-time fridge is............repair.
three   My house is within easy reach ..............the town center.
4   The business firm is cheap because it is ..............bad condition.
v   I need to call a plumber to look...........this pipe.


6  Match to form exchanges

1   Oi!
ii    It drives me crazy.
3    Yuk!
4   It doesn't actually carp me.
5   Phew!

a   Yeah, it is really annoying!
b   It makes me angry.
c    What a relief!
d   top that!
east   That'due south revolting!


Now I Tin .....

•    talk about homelessness
•    talk and write about houses
•    express badgerer
•    make exclamations
•    apply modals
•    utilise formal style in reports
•    write a report making suggestions
•    write a proposal to meliorate a shanty town
•    have a class debate almost Green Belts

Английский язык. 11 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.]. - 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2009. - 244 с. : ил. - (Английский в фокусе).

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What Is the Best Way to Move My House Furniture to Europe

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